What Is User-Generated Content?

User-generated content (UGC), also known as user-created content (UCC), is any form of content that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media, discussion forums, and wikis. This can include images, videos, text, testimonials, and audio

What Can User-Generated Content Be Used For? 

User-generated content (UGC) can be used for a variety of purposes. It can be used to promote a brand’s message, expand social followers, strengthen relationships with clients, instill trust in the target audience, build SEO value, and boost sales. 

UGC acts as social proof and is considered more authentic and trustworthy than content created by brands themselves.

How Can Non-Profits Encourage People To Create And Share Content?  

  • Be On The Same Platforms As Your Target Audience

You should have a presence on social media platforms or other online communities where your target audience is active. 

This allows you to engage with them and share content relevant to their interests. Being present on the same platforms as your target audience can increase their chances of seeing and interacting with your brand. 

  • Hashtag Campaigns

Running a hashtag campaign can be an effective way to raise awareness and funds for a cause. By creating a unique and memorable hashtag and encouraging your followers to use it when sharing content related to your campaign, you can increase the visibility of your cause and reach a wider audience. You can also use the hashtag to track the success of your campaign and engage with supporters. 

  • Create A Contest

Creating a contest can be fun and engaging in raising funds for a cause. By offering a prize or incentive for participation, you can encourage your followers to donate and spread the word about your campaign. You can also use social media to promote the contest and engage with participants.

  • Engage With People

Engaging with people is an important part of any fundraising campaign. By interacting with your supporters and potential donors, you can build relationships and increase their interest in your cause. 

This can include responding to comments and messages, sharing updates and stories about your campaign, and thanking donors for their contributions. Engaging with people meaningfully increases their chances of donating to your cause and spreading the word to others.

Popular Ugc Campaigns For Fundraising 

1. Student-created content: Mind’s 27 27 campaign

One example of a user-generated content campaign for fundraising is Mind’s 27 27 campaign. This campaign challenged students to run 27 miles in 27 days, representing the 27% of students who report mental health troubles at university. 

The campaign aimed to raise awareness and funds for student mental health. Participants were encouraged to share their progress on social media using the hashtag #2727.

2. ‘Give the finger’: Terrence Higgins Trust and #HIVTestingWeek

The Terrence Higgins Trust ran a campaign called ‘Give the finger’ for National HIV Testing Week. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about HIV testing and encouraged people nationwide to ‘give HIV the finger’ by getting tested. 

The campaign used a play on words to promote the use of a simple finger-prick test that provides results within 15 minutes.

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3. Micro-influencing a trip to the charity shop: British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation ran a user-generated content campaign called #TheBigStitch. The idea behind the campaign was to encourage people to take a trip to their local British Heart Foundation charity shop, pick out an item they could work with, and transform it into something new and exciting. 

Participants were then encouraged to post before and after images on social media, tag the charity, and include the hashtag #TheBigStitch. This campaign raised funds for the charity and promoted sustainable fashion and upcycling. 

4. A day in the life of a foster dog-mom: Support Dog Peggy

Support Dogs is a Sheffield-based charity that trains and provides specialist assistance dogs to increase independence and quality of life for people with various medical conditions. 

One of their user-generated content campaigns features Peggy the dog and her volunteer foster mom. 

The campaign includes heartwarming videos that showcase a day in the life of a foster dog mom. This type of content not only raises awareness for the charity but also engages supporters and promotes the work of their volunteers.


In conclusion, the Reason Digital blog post highlights user-generated content’s power in promoting and raising funds for charitable causes. 

By leveraging the creativity and authenticity of their supporters, charities can create engaging and impactful campaigns that raise awareness and drive donations. 

From hashtag campaigns to TikTok challenges, there are many ways for charities to harness the power of user-generated content to further their mission.

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